How to prepare an apple smoothies

How to prepare an apple smoothie

How to make an apple smoothie

They say that an apple is a heavenly fruit that came to earth from the sky or heaven paradise, and Adam and Eve ate that apple against God’s command and following Satan or Iblis and became naked, and because of this mistake and sin, God punished them and expelled them from heaven or paradise. He fired them. Regardless of whether the famous fruit is an apple, wheat, or grape, but apple is really a heavenly fruit. Kindness, elegance, deliciousness, deliciousness, good feeling, delicious, etc. are among my feelings in describing apples.

Antioxidants included in apples support heart health and are a good source of them. Additionally, by giving the body potassium, it eliminates all the diseases to which the body is vulnerable. Consuming apples, for instance, helps control blood pressure and lowers the chance of developing heart disease.

The body’s health is ensured by consuming apples on a daily basis in a variety of natural forms, including apples, apple juice, apple smoothies, etc. Apple smoothies, which have a sweet and pleasant taste, are among the nutrient-dense smoothies that may be made using a variety of combinations.

We’re going to show you how to make several apple smoothies in this article. By cooking it, you can increase your nutritious value and enjoy this delectable dish even more.

apple smoothies

How to prepare an easy apple smoothie


3 pieces of chopped apples
3 pieces of chopped bananas
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of nutmeg
Half a glass of coconut milk
A sufficient amount of chocolate and walnuts for decorating

Process of preparation:

The prepared ingredients should be added to an electric mixer and well mixed. Finally, fill a glass with the beverage and sip. You can choose to garnish your beverage with chocolate and walnuts.


How to create a smoothie with mixed apples?

A tasty smoothie may be made with apples, which are also extremely fragrant and provide health benefits for the body. Kiwi, mango, orange, and other fruits can be combined with apples to make a delightful smoothie.


Making an apple and orange smoothie

One of the smoothies that kids love and that increases their appetite is apple and orange. Additionally, the vitamin C in apple and orange smoothies supports a stronger immune system.


2 Apple units
Orange, 2 pieces
1 little bit of ginger
10 to 12 almonds, please

Method of preparation:

The apples must first be washed.
After that, let the apples soak in vinegar for 10 minutes.
Peel the orange after washing it.
Use whatever method is most convenient for you to juice the orange after it has been peeled.
Mix the orange juice and the prepared ingredients until they are of the desired consistency.
Use more apples to make your smoothie thicker.

Your smoothie is prepared; go ahead and sip it.


How to prepare Peach and Apple Smoothie

If you want a smooth, sweet smoothie, this is the finest option. This smoothie is finished off by the aroma and flavor of the peach fruit. Children and ice cream lovers enjoy this sort of smoothie since it is a little thicker than other varieties.


Two spoonfuls of apple juice
Peaches chopped: 1 cup
Red apple chopped: 1 cup
You can have as much crushed ice as you like.

Method of preparation:

Apple juice is added to the blender along with the apples and peaches to slightly thin out the smoothie. Serve your beverage with ice to finish. Even though this beverage is already sufficiently sweet, you might choose to add some honey.


How to make a mango and apple smoothie

A fruit is full of vitality and nutrition, mango. The immune system and eye health benefits of mangoes’ vitamin C and A content. A smoothie made of apples and mangos is regarded as a nutritious snack and will keep you satisfied for a long time.


(4 pcs) Apples
Mango compote, one can
one glass of broken ice
(4) Tablespoons of sugar
Juice of one fresh lime, 2 teaspoons

Method of preparation:

The preparation for an apple-mango smoothie is fairly easy. A blender should be used to thoroughly combine the prepared components after adding the apple core.


How to prepare a smoothie with apples and cinnamon

Apple and cinnamon work well together in a variety of desserts, drinks, and sweets. A remarkable mixture can be made for you by the cinnamon’s sweet flavor.


Apple: two pcs
One banana
1/2 cup yogurt
Milk: half a cup
Powdered cinnamon: 1/2 teaspoon
Nuts: 1/4 cup

Process of preparation:

Peeling and washing the apples come first in the process.
Grab some apple juice.
After peeling, cut the banana.
In the final step, add milk, yogurt, almonds, cinnamon, banana, apple juice, and all other ingredients to the blender and blend until a smooth beverage is created.


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